925th Anniversary First Crusade Siege of Jerusalem

The Siege of Jerusalem took place from June 7 to July 15, 1099, during the First Crusade. This successful siege saw the Crusaders take Jerusalem from the Fatimid Caliphate and laid the foundations for the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Crusading around 1150 - a "worldwide" coordinated effort

When thinking about crusading in the 12th century, one is usually inclined to consider first the Levant, and perhaps in second place present day Spain and Portugal. However, at the middle of the 12th century there were many more military theatres as well as coordinated efforts to achieve success in several places at the same time. An overview.

4 New maps of Templar sites in Poitou-Charantes, France

Recently TemplarsNow added four new departments in Western France to its collection of Templar site maps. All departments are in the former Poitou-Charantes region. Check out the new maps for Charante, Charante-Maritime, Deux-Sèvres and Vienne!

Cofraternities and the christianization of combat in the Medieval West

"A considerable number of associations of armed men existed during the central and high Middle Ages, fulfilling diverse purposes, such as the defense of churches or of Christian territory and the fight against heresy, as well as preserving the peace. Founded on a tradition of brotherhood taken from the Gospels, these militias had varying degrees of organization.What is known about them?

Payen de Montdidier - co-founder of the Knights Templar

Payen (Paganus, Païen) de Montdidier was one of the founding members of the Knights Templar. He is one of the more obscure members of whom little is known. A quick scan in public sources showed that reliable data on Payen himself are very scarce indeed. At the same time, there is more than enough information to show the importance of his family and the contribution he made to the Templars. What are the facts?

Geoffrey de Saint-Omer - co-founder of the Templar Order

According to William of Tyre, Geoffrey de Saint-Omer ("Gaufrede de Sancto Aldemarlo") was among the first knights of the military and religious order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Salomon, later to be known as the Knights Templar, with Hugues de Payns. What do we know of his life and that of his family?  

7 New Google maps of French Templar sites added

TemplarsNow is still working on its mapping project, aimed at pinpointing the geographical location of major and in many departments also minor Templar sites in France on modern Google-maps. Recently 7 new departmements in Northern France were added: Ardennes, Aisne, Marne, Nord, Oise, Pas de Calais and Somme. Check them out!