Papal bulls on Templar matters

Between September and November 2022 Diego Wesley Nogueira published a series of three posts in Portugese on the Facebook Group UNIVERSO TEMPLÁRIO SMOTH-MIT listing Papal Bulls pertaining to the Knights Templar. These lists surpass in length the list of seven Papal Bulls given below, which are usually mentioned in the context of the Templars, although longer lists exist also:

  • Omne Datum Optimum (1139)
  • Milites Templi (1144)
  • Militia Dei (1145)
  • Pastoralis Praeeminentiae (1307)
  • Faciens Misericordiam (1308)
  • Ad Providam (1312)
  • Vox In Excelso (1312)

Diego Wesley Nogueira provides no sources, so the validity of the lists cannot be verified. However, the sheer length of the lists suggests ample research. Thus further distribution of the lists is thought justified as the data might be of interest to specialised researchers who can confirm of falsify the suggestion of their comprehensiveness.

The three complete lists, published in Portugese on Facebook on different dates, are presented below in their automatically generated English translation, as provided bij Facebook. Obviously the automatic translation contains errors but is presented here as is. The original posts in Portugese can be reached following the links provided. TemplarsNow fully acknowledges the work of Diego Wesley Nogueira and only republishes in order to promote further distribution of these interesting lists.

Published by Diego Wesley Nogueira on the Facebook Group UNIVERSO TEMPLÁRIO SMOTH-MIT on September 7, 2022, consulted on February 10, 2023

1139 (March 29) – Bula Omne optimum date of Innocence II. Directed to Masters and Monks with praises, grant them everything they take from Saracens, granting them economic autonomy and disposing them directly under your guard and protection of the Church of Rome.
1139 (May 1) - Bula Quantam we use, from Innocence II. Directed to archbishops and bishops, it defends that Templars cannot abandon the Order without the Master's permission.
1144 (May 15) – Bula Milites temple, of Celestino II. Grants indulgences to Temple benefactors and allows Militia clerics to celebrate divine services, even in places prohibited by the Holy See.
1145 (April 7) – Bula Militia Dei, by Eugene III. Grant Temples the right to use their own oratory and then have them buried.
1151 (March 14) – Bula Militum professional temple, of Eugene III. Decree the penalty of excommunication for knights who abandon the Temple Order after making a profession.
1158 (June 9) - Bula Milites temple iheroesolimitani novi, by Adrian IV. Encourage subjects to help with charity to the Temple Order.
1158 (June 18) - Bula Quantum sacred temple militae, by Adrian IV. Order proceedings against those withholding alms made according to Temple Order.
1158 (June 18) – Bula Militia Dei quae dicitur, by Adrian IV. Grants the Order of the Temple to take priests to their service and build oratorios and churches on their lands, without prejudice to parish right.
1162 (January 7) – Bula Omne optimum date, by Alexandre III. Approves the institution of the Temple Order and bestow upon it numerous graces and privileges.
1162 (January 7) - Bula Justis petentium desiseriis, by Alexander III Allows Temples to present in their religious churches their Order or secular clerics living with them, without having to sign congrua.
1162 (July 15) - Bula Audivimus and Audivimus, by Alexander III. Recognize the Temple Order the privilege of not paying tithes.
1183 (April 25) – Bula Audivimus and Audivimus, by Luke III. Confirms Temples the privilege of not paying tithe for the land they tore for themselves or at their expense.
1183 (19 September) – Bula Ad dress potest notitiam, by Luke III. Directed to the bishops and prelates confirming the privilege of the previous bull.
1183 (December 16) – Bula Non absque dolor cordis, by Luke III. Issued from Verona ordered that the bishops and prelates of Portugal excommunicate all those who harm the Order of the Temple, both the priests and their property.
1184 (April 22) – Bula Hac itaque ratione, by Luke III. Directed to the Temple Order confirming the privileges, indulgences and freedoms bestowed upon you by your predecessors.
1185 (1st August) – Bula Omne optimum date, by Urbano III. Confirm the institution of the Temple Order and grant it protection and privileges.
1186 (30 January) – Bula Apostolicae sedis, by Urbano III Directed to the Temple Order confirms the privileges, indulgences and freedoms bestowed upon you by your predecessors.
1186 (January 30) - Bula the greater in defense, by Urbano III. Grants to the Order of the Temple the right to build churches in the places conquered by the Saracans, which depend solely on the Holy See.
1186 (February 2) - Bula Audivimus and Audience, by Urbano III. Confirms Temples the privilege of not paying tithes of the land for themselves or at their plowed expense.
1186 (Feb 10) – Bula Religious Virus, by Urbano III. Directed to the Archbishop of Lisbon prohibits the charge of any toll or right to Templar monks in things they need to eat and wear.
1186 (22 May) - Bula Cum pro defenses of the Christian faith, by Urbano III. Confirms to the temples in Portugal the donations of villages, places and goods that were made to them by D. Teresa, D. Afonso Henriques and his vassals.
1187 (May 25) - Bula The More Dilelections, by Urbano III. Order bishops and prelates not to collect rights on alms left to the Temple Order and to consecrate their churches, oratories and cemeteries. And let them not charge a quarter of the alms left to the Order by the people who are buried in their churches or outside them.
1194 (May 26) – Bula Omne optimum date, by Celestino III. Confirm the establishment of temple order in D. Gilbert Horal, Master in Jerusalem, granting him the protection and the same privileges given to him by his ancestors.
1198 (July 7,) – Bula Quanto Dilelecti Filii, by Innocent III. Directed to the ecclesiastic, determining that it admits to the churches of the Temples the clerics that the Order presents, and does not excommunicate or prohibit them.
1198 (July 9,) - Bula Dilecti our children, by Innocent III. Directed to the ecclesiastic so that it does not force the priests of the Temple Order to take the oath of loyalty and obedience, because they are only subject to the Holy Father.
1198 (July 15) – Bula Omne optimum date, by Innocent III. Directed to the Master and nuns of the Temple Order, confirms your institution, grants you apostolic protection and renews the privileges bestowed upon your predecessors.
1199 (April 23) – Bula Militia Dei quae dicitur, by Innocent III. It grants Temples the right to choose priests for their service in the divine worship and administer the sacraments to them. It also allows that they can build oratorios and churches on their lands, and that there they can bury the priests of the Order, as well as their servants, who pass away.
1199 (June 22) - Bula Cum ex administrative suspicion, by Innocencio III. Directed to the ecclesiastic not to harm the privileges of the Temples or prohibit their priests from celebrating the divine services, and defend them against those who wish to offend them.
1200 (March 30) – Bula Cum They Shut You Down by Innocent III. Order, in favor of the Templars, that go against the privileges of the Order be disregarded.

Published by Diego Wesley Nogueira on the Facebook Group UNIVERSO TEMPLÁRIO SMOTH-MIT on September 9, 2022, consulted on February 10, 2023

1205 (25 June) – Bula Cum inter vos, by Innocent III. Directed to the Master and nuns of the Temple, he declares that the apostolic letters opposing his privileges have no value unless they make an express mention of privileges.
1209 (March 11) – Bula Religious Viruses, by Innocent III. Directive to the ecclesiastical authorities determining that the prelates apply censorship and other penalties to those who intend to force the Temples to pay customs or other taxes on what is necessary for their use and needs, from which they had already been exempted by the Holy See.
1209 (July 15) - Bula How Do You Like Brotherly Sons, by Innocencio III. Directed to the ecclesiastical authorities ordering them not to excommunicate the people of the Temple Order, not to put them forbidden and not on their churches, because they are of their jurisdiction and being immediate to the Apostolic Self.
1210 (August 7) - Bula Audivimus and Audivimus, by Innocencio III. Directed to the ecclesiastical authorities confirming that the Templars were exempt from the tithes of the land they cultivated.
1212 (December 4) – Bula Justis petentium deseriis, by Innocent III. Directed to the Master and nuns of the Temple Order, confirms the privileges granted to the temples and their colonists by D. Afonso Henry of Portugal.
1214 (November 2) - Bula Justis petentium deseriis, by Innocent III. Temple Order confirms the donation made to you D. Afonso II of Portugal from the land of Cardosa (White Castle).
1216 (16 January) - Bula Cum apostolic sedis, by Honorio III. Directed to bishops and prelates in favor of temples, to allow them to be buried by their religious, and to allow their monks to be received in churches when they ask for alms, proceeding with censorship against those who prevent them.
1216 (January 28) – Bula Paci et quieti religiosorum, by Honorio III. Directed to the bishops and prelates in favor of the Temple, ordering them to excommunicate and take the property of those who exercise violence against the Temples, not acquitting them of that penalty until the rights of the Order are not met and the offenders do not come forward to the Holy Father. Determines also the excommunication of those who steal the horses and other property from the Templars, not being acquitted until they return what they stole.
1216 (February 13) – Bula Kwanto Dilelecti Filii, by Honorio III. Order bishops and prelates to admit clerics presented by religious temples to serve in their churches, and that they may apply the fruits of the same in aid of the Holy Land, or withhold them freely if the bishops do not want to admit the clerics presented. It also orders the non-excommunication or prohibition of temples and their religious or clergy, and if bishops do so the same will be nullified.
1217 (January 18) - Bula Uestris piis postulationibus, by Honorio III. Directed to the Master and Monks of the Order of the Temple at the request of these: grants the right to build settlements, castles, churches, oratorios and cemeteries on the lands conquered by the Saracans, which would be under the direct protection of the Holy Self.
1217 (January 18) – Bula Cum nobis secundum apostulum, by Honorio III. Determine that Temple monks should not take greater abstinence than required by the Rule, without special permission from the Master.
1217 (February 10) – Bula Cum a nobis petitur, of Honorio III. Directed to the Master and nuns of the Order of the Temple, takes under his protection, in Portugal, the castles founded by the Temples in Rodão and Castelo Branco, the churches and too many goods, with the obligation of the annual census of an ounce of gold, clearly showing his guardianship over the institution.
1229 (October 14) - Bula Ipsa on cogite pilas, by Gregory IX. Directed to the Master and priests of the Temple Order, exempt them, at your request, from the payment of the tithe decreed in the General Council for the defense of the Holy Land.
1231 (16 July) – Bula Quotiens a Nobis Petitur, by Gregory IX. Confirm the institution of the Temple Order, grant it protection and privileges, and confirm all your possessions by taking them under the protection of the Apostolic Self. It gives you permission to receive in your main House and in all others of your obedience clerics who minister the sacraments and do not be subject to the bishops and the Order alone, only subject to obedience to your Chapter and Master, according to its statute. Those who want to be buried in the cemeteries of the Order will not be excommunicated or forbidden.
1231 (July 23) - Bula the greater in defense, by Gregory IX. Directed to the Order of the Temple, it grants you the right to build churches on lands where there is no Christian cult, making them directly subject to the Apostolic Self.
1235 (May 23) – Bula Evangelicae doctrinae, by Gregory IX. Directed to prelates and other people, orders that they do not stay in the Temple Houses against their will, except when they have that task in their endowment or foundation.
1235 (May 29) – Bula Dilecti filii frates militiae, by Gregory IX. Order bishops and prelates not to impose monetary penalties on the Temple Order, nor to punish it with other penances.
1235 (May 30) – Bula Paci et quieti religiosorum, by Gregory IX. Exclude those who put violent hands on temples and their servants and take their property, reserving the servitude to the Apostolic See.
1252 (July 15) – Bula Cum nuper duxerinus, by Innocent IV. Determine in favour of the Temple Order that it does not respond to Ordinary places, since their privileges and freedoms are maintained entirely.
1254 (March 2) – Bula Cum felicis reminderis, by Alexander IV. Determines that Templars are not understood in the Constitution that commands exemptions, by felony or contract, to answer to the Ordiners of the Place since all their privileges and freedoms are preserved.
1255 (February 4) – Bula Felicis recordis Honorio, by Alexander IV. It confirms the previous bullies, especially that of Innocent III, and defends that no one without a special mandate from the pope can excommunicate priests of the Temple Order and their servants, whether they are clergy or lay, nor can impose anything on them.
1255 (March 31) – Bula Meritis vestre devotionis, by Alexander IV. Grants Temples the right to provide the dean of the church of Santiago de Santarém, in Portugal, every time it wanders, with an ideal priest of the Order, and convert into their use its incomes, paying annually the combined fee to the bishop of Lisbon.
1255 (December 3) - Bula Quantum sacred militia temple by Alexander IV Order proceedings against those who withhold alms given to Temples as if it were sacrilege.
1258 (January 😎 - Bula Justis petentium deseris, by Alexander IV Order that Templars can present in their religious churches their Order or secular clerics who live with them, without having to sign congrua.
1258 (1 February) - Bula Desideriis vestris, by Alexander IV. Issues the Temple Order of contribution to help with the expenses of the prosecutors made to legacies and apostolic announcements passing through their lands. Decides to nullify all censorship and penalties imposed by the Order on this matter.
1262 (June 29) – Bula Dilecti filii frateras, by Urbano IV. Order the bishops and priests of your churches not to ask for an oath of obedience or allegiance to the Temples, because they are subject only to the Holy Father.

Published by Diego Wesley Nogueira on the Facebook Group UNIVERSO TEMPLÁRIO SMOTH-MIT on November 20, 2022, consulted February 10, 2023

1265 (May 18) – Bula Merito incongruum censored possessed, by Clemente IV. Issues Temple Order payment of the twentieth or 100th for Holy Land subsidy.
1265 (May 29) - Bula Cum a Nobis Petitur, by Clemente IV. Confirms to the Master and priests of the Order of the Temple on the Iberian Peninsula all the privileges, indulgences and freedoms bestowed upon them by previous pontiffs, kings and princes.
1265 (29 May) – Bula Non absque sorrow, by Clemente IV. Orders, under penalty of excommunication and suspension, that Templars are not forced to suffer in their Houses and property and may enjoy the privileges bestowed upon them. It also determines the penalties to be applied to those who enter the Temple Houses by force, whether they seize their property or dare to publish excommunication against them.
1265 (8 June) – Bula The Greater Defense, by Clemente IV. Grants to the Order of the Temple the right to build churches on lands where there is no Christian cult, making them directly subject to the Apostolic Self.
1265 (June 😎 – Bula Dilecti filii frates, by Clemente IV. Directed to the Order of the Temple ordering that this militia cannot be excommunicated nor its banned churches, because they are directly subject to the Holy See.
1265 (June 😎 – Bula Cum Abbates, by Clemente IV. Order bishops and prelates that the Order of the Temple not to pay tithes of the land it plows and uses with your hands or at your expense.
1265 (25 June) – Bula Devotionis vestrae promeretur, by Clemente IV. It forces Temples to respond to apostolic letters that are contrary to their privilege.
1265 (June 28) – Bula Paci et quieti religiousosorum, by Clemente IV. Excommunicate those who harass and take the property of the temples, reserving the exclusion to the Apostolic See.
1265 (July 4) - Bula Cum a religiosorum virorum, by Clemente IV. Order that the sentences given in favor of the Temple Order do not fail to be fulfilled, in this satisfying the Militia.
1265 (July 4) - Bula Justis petentium desiseriis, by Clemente IV. Orders that Templar monks may be taken as witnesses in their causes, saying that they have not been constrained into it.
1265 (21 July) – Bula Dilecti filii frates, by Clemente IV. Order the bishops and priests of your churches not to ask for an oath of obedience or allegiance to Templers, because they are subject only to the Holy Father.
1265 (August 29) - Bula Dignum this conspicimus, by Clemente IV. Exempts the Temple Order to pay endowments in cash to legacies and apostolic annoucements, unless they were cardinal of the Roman Church. Recommend that she receives them benignly in their Homes when they visit them.
1265 (September 1) – Bula Quieti vestrae providere, by Clemen-te IV. It discourage Temples from responding to apostolic letters that are contrary to their privileges, unless there is the entire mention of the Order.
1265 (September 4) – Bula How Devotional Divine, by Clemente IV. Claims that the Temple Order is unwilling to pay in cuts, crops or money, or other exclamations, without special mandate from the Holy See.
1265 (September 4) – Bula Meritis sacrae vestrae, by Clemente IV. It forces Temples to respond to apostolic letters contrary to their privileges, even if they revoke them and make mention of them.
1265 (September 4) – Bula How Much Dilelecti Filii, by Clemente IV. Order bishops and prelates to admit clerics presented by religious temples to serve in their churches, and that they may apply the fruits of said churches in aid of the Holy Land or withhold them freely.
1265 (September x – Bula Eo vobis quilibet, by Clemente IV. Releases the Temple Order of paying penalty or reimbursement for damages done by your cattle wherever they pass by by paying only the corresponding damages.
1265 (September 30) – Bula Els praecipue ac specialiter, by Clemente IV. Order proceedings against those withholding alms and benefits made to the Temple Order.
1267 (November 22) - Bula Desiderio desirants we command you, from Clemente IV. It is prohibited to give preceptories of the Houses or Provinces of the Order of the Temple to any of its religious, by request or by letters from kings and great lords, making the religious who accept them subject to the sentence of excommunication.
1271 (May 21) – Bula Cum a Nobis Petitur, by Gregory X. Confirms to the Temple Order all the privileges, indulgences and freedoms bestowed on you by previous pontiffs, kings and princes.
1273 (October 14) – Bula Ipsa in the cogit pietas, by Gregory X. Issues the Temple Order of payment of ecclesiastical tithes released for Holy Land relief.
1275 (1 August) – Bula Petitio dilectorum filiorum, by Gregory X. Issues the Temple Order from the payment of ecclesiastical tithes and that the excommunions in this regard have no effect regarding the Order. Order the apostolic heirs and collectors of the tithe destined for the Holy Land not to cover it to the priests of the Temple, because it exempted them from it considering the dangers they expose themselves to in defense of the Holy Land.
1303 (February 7th) – Bula Cum a Nobis Petitur, by Bento XI. It reaffirms to the Temple Order all the privileges, indulgences and freedoms bestowed on it by previous pontiffs, kings and princes.

The text quotes the complete automatically translated text of three posts in Portuguese on Facebook as indicated by the links above. The illustration shows a Papal Bull, source

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Svetoslav Vasilev said...

Dear brothers, my name is Svetoslav Vasilev and I am an Archbishop of the Bulgarian old catholic church. At the moment I am writing a book about the order of the temple and his connection with old catholic churches. I tried to find a full text of bullas Milities Dei and Milities Templi, but couldnt find them. I will be very glad if you can help me with this. My email is:

Templars Now said...

Full translations are limited, excerpts and references to the content of Milites Templi and other papal bulls can be found in sources like the Cambridge University Press's "The New Knighthood" by Malcolm Barber:

Templars Now said...

Also check Malcolm Barber and Keith Bate, "The Templars: Selected source translated and annotated (2002)" as that book contains many texts including (parts of) bulls.; page 65 contains a text under the titel Milites Dei but it is dated 1145.